After gender reassignment surgery

Wendy had gender reassignment surgery in her mid-20s.  Once post-op she was maintained on 2mg of micronized oral estradiol a day for many years.  Little did she know that 2 mg estradiol wasn't actually what she was getting. 

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Post-Op; life after Reassignment or Orchiectomy

Not all transgender patients undergo gender reassignment surgery (GRS) but for those who do so there are many challenges facing them.  GRS is a major crossroads in the trans journey involving two abrupt alterations, one structural, the other both structural & functional.

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Post-Op; life after Reassignment or Orchiectomy

Not all transgender patients undergo gender reassignment surgery (GRS) but for those who do so there are many challenges facing them.  GRS is a major crossroads in the trans journey involving two abrupt alterations, one structural, the other both structural & functional.

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